2023. January 16.

PWA in 2023: the powerful asset of the year

2023. January 16.

Few fields can change and evolve at the same speed as IT. Already in 2022, great attention was dedicated to PWAs or progressive web applications, and 2023 is no different. What is the power of PWA? That's what we've explored in our article!

The proliferation of mobile devices has meant that people are using their smartphones more and more often and for more and more activities. According to Zippa, there were 6.65 billion smartphone users worldwide in 2022 and this number is expected to rise to 7.34 billion by 2025. Online commerce is growing, with 42.9% of all e-commerce predicted to be done on mobile by 2024.
More and more people are using smartphones, and the range of functions has grown in parallel. With a phone, you can now not only make calls, but also bank, shop, work, and so on. Native apps make this possible, which could be downloaded from app stores.

However, over time, there has been a demand from users to simplify the process of using native apps. This led to the emergence of PWA technology, which eliminates the disadvantages of native apps. PWAs don't need to be installed, they don't take up the phone's capacity, but they still provide a 100% user experience. Let's see what you need to know about PWA!

What is a PWA?

PWA (progressive web app) is nothing but a mix of a website and a native app. In terms of user experience, it is like an app, but it runs in the browser of the mobile device, therefore no installation is required. It has the same functionality as a traditional app, such as connecting to the camera, and microphone, but it is much faster and does not take up space on the device.

The impact of PWA

PWA outperforms native apps in many ways. It has a positive impact on key factors such as performance, accessibility, and user experience.
The weak point of most native applications is usually speed. Users do not wait more than 3 seconds, and if the page doesn't load in that time short timeframe, they tend to navigate away. Therefore, loading speed is of paramount importance. By design, PWAs load fast and are ready to use in an instant.
The introduction of PWAs has also had a significant impact on accessibility. Even with a poor or no internet connection, this type of app is available. This is a huge advantage in developing and less infrastructurally advanced countries.

Engagement is much stronger for a native app than for a website. PWA rocked the industry and led major players to engage with the technology. Starbucks, for example, doubled the number of daily active users after launching PWA.

The benefits of PWA

We've so far described what PWA is and why it's so important. Now we will discuss the benefits of progressive web applications.

  • Advanced speed: it can load lightning fast. With just one click and instant loading, PWA is ready to use.
  • Optimised storage requirement: mobile devices have a finite storage capacity, so it makes a difference in how much space your app takes up. PWA requires significantly less space than native apps.
  • Universal accessibility: it runs on all mobile platforms without any problems, and no extra development is needed, thus it is considered highly cost-effective.
  • No update requirements: PWA does not need to be downloaded to the phone, it opens in a browser. This also means you don't have to bother with installing updates, as the version loaded is always the latest. This ensures that all users are using the latest version.
  • Search engine optimised: the progressive web app is highly responsive and Google rewards this. Advanced SEO is supported by default.
  • Offline accessibility: browsing PWA does not require an internet connection, it works offline.
  • Convenient to access: PWAs can be locked on the home screen, meaning they can be launched with a single button press, just like the native apps.
  • Push notifications: push notifications may help build engagement with users, which, if well-designed, can boost reach.

Why should companies choose PWA?

The PWA technology has the potential to increase the number of users. A huge competitive advantage is that it doesn't take up space on your phone and you don't have to bother downloading it. This implies that many more people will use PWA than the native app.

It's not just the number of mobile users that makes PWA worthwhile, as it can also increase conversions. This is because they are faster and are compatible with all platforms. They encourage users to spend more time using the app and therefore increase the chances of them making a purchase, which results in a higher conversion rate.

The app of the future is PWA, which offers a wide range of opportunities for businesses and real benefits for users. This is why at SynerinSoft we are focusing on this type of app development. Curious to know how we work? Click here for details!


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