Why entrust your project to a professional .NET development company?

.NET is a development framework that has become popular in the past few years. It's a versatile environment, so it's no wonder that more and more people are interested in this technology. In this article, we've put together a list of reasons why you should entrust your development project to a professional .NET development company!

The .NET framework

.NET is a development framework that has earned a good reputation in the industry for its many benefits. Developed by Microsoft in 2002, .NET is object-oriented and was created as a successor to VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). It has a wide range of applications, including desktop apps, web apps and mobile apps.
It is open-source and backed by a strong developer community. It is a platform-independent programming language that works well with Linux, Windows, iOS and Android, whether on a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

How is a .NET development company different?

A .Net development company deals with software and web development. They come into play in cases where the client does not want to carry out the development projects from their resources but entrusts an external, specialised company with this task.

The development company's task is to carry out a specific development, for example, to create an internal document repository or a CRM system adapted to the company's needs, or to develop an application for users. However, the task does not typically end there, as experts must train the client organisation's staff to use the new interface, and in the case of users, they assist with communication at the content level and make changes and improvements if necessary.
The length of the project typically depends on how the parties agree, but it is clear that proper handover and follow-up are important and useful steps that should not be sacrificed at the altar of cost reduction.

Benefits of a .NET development company

There are so many advantages to hiring a specialist development company rather than coming up with an in-house solution. We have collected the most important ones!

Adequate capacity

The outsourced development team is flexible to the client's needs. This is also true for the size of the team and what specialisations are required. The company wishing to develop does not need to have a fixed in-house team, as the development company will provide exactly the number of people needed. If the project is in an intensive phase or on a tight deadline, the developer company dedicates more people to the project. This approach helps the client to save significant costs.

We can talk about a demand-driven approach not only in terms of staff numbers but also in terms of the skills required. A development company employs several programmers, each specialising in a different field and with different interests. It follows that the best possible team can be easily built to match the characteristics of the project.

Development experience

In software development, speed is crucial. This is supported by modern development methodologies such as scrum and kanban, but it is worth nothing without the right experience. Nobody is born a professional .NET developer, but the fact is that the more experience you have, the faster you can develop. 

Experienced professionals are more effective not only in the development itself but also in client communication, which can be key to the success of a project. Clients usually have ideas about the realities and feasibility but possess little information on the development process. An experienced developer knows the weak points, and the classic pitfalls, so he can avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.


Many people think that working with an outsourced company is expensive. In reality, hiring a .NET development team can save you a lot of money. For one thing, as we've mentioned, you only pay the people who work on the project, so you don't have to worry about unnecessary expenses. Development teams typically have the software packages and tools that are essential for the job, and they use them throughout the project. So it goes without saying that there is no need for the client to pay upfront for the backend software and packages, as the developers will do this if they need to.

It is important to emphasise that good .NET developer know what they are doing and have the right knowledge and experience. This means that they are much more efficient and faster than less experienced developers, and they make fewer mistakes.

A long-term solution

We've already written about this topic in the section on the specifics of development companies, but the importance of long-term support cannot be stressed enough. 
Hiring a .NET development company is the best possible choice for those who want to be efficient in the delivery of their project. Click to find out why SynerinSoft is the best choice when it comes to development work!

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